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Summer of 74 people
In the Episode Summer of '47, Michael is assigned by his teacher to interview
a former army Captain, Hal Carver.
Hal tells his story, and the cast plays the parts.

Young Hal
Captain Hal Carver
Old Hal -
aka - Old Man River (by Maria in So47)
Employment - Retired
Address - Tampa, FL
Family -
Mother - unknown
Brother - unknown (deceased)
Hobbies - Shuffleboard
Hal smokes, and mentions to Michael that the doctor says it doesn't matter what he does. He doesn't have long.
Young Hal -
Employment - Pilot in the 509th U.S. Army bomber group
Romantic Relationship – Rosemary, Dixie, Betty Osorio
Off-base phone # -
Franklin 0828 (possibly Rosemary's #)
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - So47

Captain Richard Dodie
Richie, Rich, Dick (by Hal in So47)
Employment - Pilot in the 509th U.S. Army bomber group
Dodie was promoted into the military intelligence after he and Hal delivered the sacks with the pods
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - So47

Colonel James Cassidy
Employment - Colonel in the 509th U.S. Army bomber group
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - So47

Betty Osorio
Betty's Notebook
Employment - Reporter for the Forth Worth Star Telegram in Ft. Worth, TX
sister - no name given
Contact # - 555-0186
Address while in Roswell -
La Siesta Motel
53 Elm St. Roswell, NM
Killed - July 9th in a suspicious car crash on Hwy 70
Betty gave Hal the key to building 7354 where he finds the two sacks that hold the eight pods
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - So47

Deputy James Valenti Sr.
Birthdate - 1936 (TC - DTM) (Making him 11 yrs old in '47 when he was a deputy - lol. I'm guessing the newspaper got his age wrong. Perhaps he was really born in 1926.)
Employment - Deputy with the Roswell Sheriff's department
Family –
Wife - no name given (deceased)
Son - Sheriff James Valenti Jr.
Grandson - Kyle Valenti
Daughter-in-Law - Michelle Valenti (divorced?)
Romantic Relationship - possibly Rosemary
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - So47

Captian Sheridan Cavitt
aka. Mr. Brain
Employment - Senior Counter-Intelligence Officer U.S. Army
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - So47

Romantic Relationships – Hal, possibly Jim Valenti Sr.
Rosemary was widowed and divorced twice before she was twenty-five
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - So47

Yvonne White
Employment - Nurse with the 509th U.S. Army
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - So47

Employment - Secretary with the 509th U.S. Army
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - So47

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