Dupes Lonnie

Full Name - Vilondra
Romantic Relationships
- Rath
- Nicholas
Distinctive markings -
Tattoos - back of the neck two crossed pistols, four square on right upper arm
Piercings - barbell in corner of right eyebrow, ring in left nostril
Hair - short, dark blonde with light blonde highlights, spikey
Special/unique alien power - Unknown
Complete list of Alien Powers
Brother - Zan
------ Likes -
Food - pizza, Chinese
Vehicle - stolen Pontiac Firebird
License plate # - 615 R5H (MTD)
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - MTD, MITC
Lonnie and her duplicate Isabel, were both cloned from an alien named Vilondra, and given part of her 'essence' that supposedly would pass on her memories.

Vilondra Past Life
Name - Vilondra
Family -
Father - no name given (deceased - MITC)
Mother - no name given
Brother - Zan
Romantic Relationships -
Fiancee - Rath
Lovers - Khivar, Nicholas?
Appears in episodes - none
Vilondra was Zan's sister, and a Princess of Antar.
In 'Surprise', Vanessa Whitaker tells Isabel that in her past life, she had a great love, Khivar, that she betrayed her family for. Whitaker even killed Nasedo because she thought Isabel might be in danger from him.
And in 'Wipeout' Nicholas tells Isabel that Khivar is waiting for her return.
In 'Meet the Dupes' Lonnie tells Max that Vilondra loved Khivar so much that she betrayed her family and caused everyones' deaths. In 'Max in the City' she tells Nicholas that she remembers being Vilondra and remembers her other life, so maybe it is the truth.
It is never confirmed by another source if Vilondra really did betray her family. The only people who mention the fact are evil aliens that have reasons to lie.
We do know that Vilondra was betrothed to Zan's Second in Command, Rath, but we don't know if it was a love match or a political match.
Nicholas also mentions that Vilondra was also involved with him.
If Khivar really loved Vilondra, it is likely that she died accidentally in his coup to take Zan's throne.