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Carsh Down Cafe

Crashdown Employees



Employment - Crashdown Cafe (Waitress)

A waitress at the Crashdown who leaves Maria alone in the middle of a rush, in the episode 'Leaving Normal'. This causes Maria to ask Isabel to help out in the cafe.

Appears in episodes -
    Season 1 - LN


Crashdown Employee 1

Name unknown

Employment - Crashdown Cafe

Seen in the meeting Liz has for the employees to show them her new schedule system


Crashdown Employee 2

Name unknown

Employment - Crashdown Cafe

Seen in the meeting Liz has for the employees to show them her new schedule system. In a cut scene for the show the names Patty, Stephanie and Karen are given, so it is possible one of those is her.

Appears in episodes - P, M




Crashdown Employee 3

Name unknown

Employment - Crashdown Cafe

Seen in the meeting Liz has for the employees to show them her new schedule system. In a cut scene for the show the names Patty, Stephanie and Karen are given, so it is possible one of those is her.

Appears in episodes - M

Crashdown Employee 4

Name unknown

Employment - Crashdown Cafe

Seen in the meeting Liz has for the employees to show them her new schedule system. In a cut scene for the show the names Patty, Stephanie and Karen are given, so it is possible one of those is her.

Appears in episodes - M





Crashdown Employee 5

Employment - Crashdown Cafe

Seen in the meeting Liz has for the employees to show them her new schedule system. In a cut scene for the show the names Patty, Stephanie and Karen are given, so it is possible one of those is her.

Appears in episodes - M



Employment - Crashdown Cafe (Cook)

Appears in episodes -
    Season 1 - LN


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