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Alex Whitmen

Alex Whitman
Full Name - Alexander Charles Whitman
aka. - The 'B' Team (by Kyle in BB), Al (by Tess in TL&V), NYPD Blue (by Courtney in S), Opie (by Lonnie in MTD), Tom Collins (by Michael in VLV), Alice (by Sean in WAF), Ray (BIY)
Romantic Relationships
- Isabel Evans
First kiss - Isabel Evans - on his doorstep (HW)
Their song - Girl Next Door by Musiq Soulchild (according to Isabel, SHP)
- Leanna
he thinks he dated her when he was in Sweden
(it is not clear if she was a mind warp, or if Tess or another alien was posing as Leanna)
Friends - Maria Deluca, Liz Parker
Special Talents - plays guitar, bass & piano, good at computers and technology
Accomplishments - founded 'The Whits', an alternative rock band that practices in his garage (BD)
Likes - the way Isabel looks in red (HW), Superman (CYN)
Food - Snowballs (BB), Pizza (SH), Thai (CYN), Pancakes (W)
Drink - Root Beer Float (TC), Orange soda (TC), Milk (W), Coke (CYN)
Music - Save Ferris (HW) (Dreams about them playing while he is dancing with Isabel), Everyman (CYN), Kabalas (CYN), Sebadoh (CYN)
Movies - Scream 2 (C), Fellini movies (ITW), One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (S&B)
Dislikes - dodge ball or anything athletic
Known for - computer wiz, intelligent, being a musician, loyal, talkative, a fierce friend
Computer password - ithestud (ITL&ITB)
E-mail address - whitsbassist@yahoo (BIY)
Birthdate -
June 21st, 1984 (on gravestone) (CYN)
April 15th, 1983 (on file that Valenti has) (CYN)
Deathdate - April 29th, 2001 (CYN)
Family -
Mother - Gloria Whitman
Father - Charles Whitman
Hobbies - watches movies, interested in Felini's work (TC)
Response to Topolsky's questions
Topolsky: Dream Job? (M)
Alex: interesting question. Do you always ask it first?
Topolsky: Where do you actually see yourself in 10 years
Alex: Excellent follow-up question. Very good technique
Topolsky: 'Who are you in this pic?'
Alex: the kid holding the umbrella for the other kids
Future Week Computer Profile
- Psychologist
School Schedule '99 - '00
Lunch - w/Max, Michael, Maria, Liz, Kyle, Tess, Isabel
- 5th period
Chorale (BB)
Gym (MIS)
Chemistry - w/Liz, Maria, Max, Tess - Seligman (TL&V)
Computer Science? (presumably he takes some computer class)
AP Tutorial in Computer Languages? (in 'Blood Brothers' Topolsky says she set it up for him)
School Schedule '00 - '01
English - Ms. Broski (CYN)
AP Statistics? (in VLV he says that blackjack is math, AP statistics, so presumably he is taking it)
Computer Seminar - S. Thompson - 1st period (ITL&ITB)
P.E - Porter - 2nd period (ITL&ITB)
Biology - 3rd period - w/Liz, Maria (VLV)(ITL&ITB)
American History - 5th period (ITL&ITB)
Band - T. Thorton - 6th period (ITL&ITB)
It is easier to list the ones he's not in
Does not appear in episodes -
Season 1 - LN, 285S, RD, ID
Alex is a loyal and dependable person who is intelligent, good in school and with electronics and computers. He is a romantic at heart, who sees beauty inside people as well as out. He is sensitive and understanding, making him a great friend for women, but a bit of a punching bag for guys who see him as a geek, often getting him pounded at dodge ball. We know little of his home life other than he is supported and loved by his parents. Alex and Liz have been good friends since fifth grade.

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