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Charles Dupree

Charles Dupree
Wife – Ada Jane Dupree
Son – Bobby Dupree
Daughter – Meredith Dupree
Granddaughter – Laurie Dupree
Birth Date - 1918 (DTM)
Death Date - 1993 (DTM)
In the episode 'Disturbing Behavior' Bobby Dupree said Charles died 7 years ago.
The SHP lists Charles being committed in 1992, and says he died less than a year later at age 75.
Likes - Indian River Pipe Tobacco
Alien connection - he was Michael & Rath's human DNA donor. He had a genetic flaw that allows the alien genetic material to fuse with human DNA
Pic of Charles that Isabel & Michael find is marked 1935
When Charles was 18 he found the 'largest silver deposit in the southwest.' Shortly after he started to be abducted.
Laurie says Charles was kind and lived in his head. He claimed to be taken by aliens but wouldn't talk about it. Instead he kept a journal about his abduction.
He feared aliens his entire life and thought they would return to take him again. The bomb shelter in his basement became his sanctuary where he would read for hours. Later in life, he wanted to know what happened and started to talk about it and it drove him crazy. In 1992 his children Bobby & Meredith used it to put him away in a mental institution. He died less than a year later at age 75.
He wears a ring on the same finger as Michael, and used to scratch at his eyebrow the same way.
Both Charles and Laurie have a bad chromosome, a recessive genetic defect.
In a cut scene in 'HTOHL', Michael discovers that Charles was 15 when he started working in the copper mines full time.
Appears in episodes - none
Seen in photos in episodes -
Season 2 - WAF, DB
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