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Jannife Kattler & Larry Trilling

Jennifer Kattler
Address - 7765 Bracman (?) Dr., Canton, ME (SHP)
Romantic Relationships -
Larry Trilling - Fiancée
Employment – Crashdown Café (Waitress)
Jennifer and Larry were in Roswell for the Crash Festival, and present in the Crashdown Café the day Liz was shot, in the “Pilot’. Although they didn’t witness the healing, they suspect that something ‘otherworldly’ happened because the bullet disappeared.
Later in the episode, they were at the Crash Festival, and Liz makes sure they witness Maria supposedly getting run over and healed, hoping to make them not suspect Max anymore.
In the episode ‘The Convention’ Jennifer and Larry return to Roswell, and while Larry is trying to get more info on Max and expose him, Jennifer takes a job at the Crashdown Café.
Jennifer tells Liz that Larry proposed to her over a year ago, and their plan was to drive to California and get married, but since the day of the shooting, Larry has been obsessed with aliens, and they have been on the road ever since.
Jennifer says, at first she was into it too, but now just wants to get married and settle down.
At the end of the episode, Jennifer and Larry decide to get a place to live in Roswell and get married.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - P, TC

Larry Trilling
Full Name - Lawrence Trilling
Address - 411 Hunters(?) Trail, Canton, ME (SHP)
Romanic Relationship
– Jennifer Katlin – Fiancee
Larry and Jennifer were in Roswell for the Crash Festival, and present in the Crashdown Café the day Liz was shot, in the “Pilot’. Although they didn’t witness the healing, they suspect that something ‘otherworldly’ happened because the bullet disappeared.
Later in the episode, they were at the Crash Festival, and Liz makes sure they witness Maria supposedly getting run over and healed, hoping to make them not suspect Max anymore.
In the episode ‘The Convention’, Larry and Jennifer return to Roswell, and Larry tries to get more info on Max and expose him.
At the UFO Convention in the Direct Contact Symposium, Larry tells the story of the shooting at the Crashdown and accuses Max of being an alien. Michael uses his powers to make Larry ichy, and the panel dismisses him as a nut.
But Everett Hubble believes his account is real, and asks for all the details, and on the strength of Larry’s story, believes Max is an alien.
At the end of the episode, Larry decides that he doesn’t want to end up like Hubble, and asks Jennifer to settle down with him in Roswell and get married.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - P, TC
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