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Laurie Dupree

Grandfather – Charles Dupree
Grandmother – Ada Jane Dupree
Uncle – Bobby Dupree
Aunt – Meredith Dupree
Mother - no name given (deceased)
Father - no name given (left his family)
Alien connection - she was kidnapped by the Ganderium Queen to be infected. Laurie has a genetic flaw that allowed the alien genetic material to fuse with human DNA.
Description - 5'5", 110 lbs
Likes - OJ
Address - 11 Osborne Road, Tucson, AZ
- silver Pontiac Grand Prix
Laurie’s aunt Meredith and uncle Bobby paid 1 million dollars to the Pinecrest Psychiatric Hospital to institutionalize when Laurie was 16 so they could have control over the estate her grandfather left to her. Her records list no parent or guardian, so they basically abandoned her there.
She is diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic.
Laurie's stuff at the mental hospital is marked 11/15/97.
(presumably the date she entered the hospital – in the episode ‘Disturbing Behavior’ which takes place in 2001, Maria mentions that Laurie has been living in the hospital for about 3 yrs.)
Laurie escaped from Pinecrest January 15, 2001, 1 week before she was kidnapped. She is 19 in 'Disturbing Behavior'
Both Charles and Laurie have a bad chromosome, a recessive genetic defect.
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - TS&P, WAF, DB, HTOHL

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