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Special Unit Employees

Agent Aronson
Employment - FBI Agent (Special Unit)
He works under Agent Topolsky, and is the agent who meets with her in her office in 'Morning After' and discusses Michael.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - MA

Agent Baxter
Employment – FBI Agent (Special Unit)
Agent Baxter works under Agent Topolsky, and is the one who attempts to follow the Jeep with Max, Isabel and Liz, when they are driving on 285 South, after Maria and Michael.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - MIS, 285S, RD, BB

Agent Bello
Employment - FBI Agent (Special Unit)
He was the agent Nasedo was impersonating inside the military base in the episode 'TWR'.
He is also one of the Agents that Tess mindwarps in the episode 'Destiny', telling him to go to an abandoned gas station outside Hondo.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - TWR, D

Agent Hart
Employment – FBI Special Agent
In the episode ‘The Morning After’ he is ordered to sit in the Sheriff’s Station.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - MA

Agent Levin
Employment - FBI Agent (Special Unit)
He is one of the agents guarding Nasedo's body at the airstrip.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - D

Agent Matheson
Employment - FBI Agent (Special Unit)
Deceased -
Killed by Ed Harding
Agent Matheson was killed by Ed Harding in the episode 'The White Room" at Eagle Rock Military Base in the Morgue, so he could impersonate him.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - TWR

Agent Morris
Employment - FBI Agent (Special Unit)
He is the agent who follows Nasedo into an alley in the epi 'Max to the Max'. Nasedo kills him and dumps his body on the side of Hwy 380 near mile marker 67, as a message to Pierce
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - MTTM, TWR

Agent Moss
Employment – FBI Agent (Special Unit)
He is working with Agent Topolsky, investigating Max.
In the episode ‘Blood Brothers’ Michael, Isabel & Maria follow him to his motel, and attempt to learn more about him. Michael and Maria find a phone # and call it, discovering that Topolsky is an FBI agent.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - MIS, BB

Agent Samuels
Employment - FBI Agent (Special Unit)
He is the Special Unit agent assigned to watch Kyle. Max knocks him out and locks him in a closet at the Valenti's house.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - TWR, D

John Stevens
Employment - FBI Special Agent in the Special Unit
Family –
Wife - no name given
Death Date - 2000
Killed by Daniel Pierce
Home Address -
6025 Murray Lane, Alexandria, VA 222313
(Valenti had 6 #s in the zip in his file)
(coincidentally, this is also the same address where Max tells Pierce he lives, but in Roswell of course)
Phone - 703-555-0165
FBI Address -
106 Hudson Ave, NW #3865, Washington, DC 20001
Phone - 202-555-0197
Agent Stevens comes to Roswell because Sheriff Valenti called him when he found Liz’s Crashdown uniform with the bullet hole in it, in the ‘Pilot’.
Stevens takes the dress to be analyzed, and tells Valenti there was nothing but ketchup on it, but in the episode ‘The Morning After’ he seizes all of the Sheriff’s files.
Stevens is in the Special Unit. He assigned Kathlene Topolsky to go undercover and make contact with ‘the subject’ – Max.
In the episode ‘River Dog’ Stephens also orders Topolsky to get the files that Max, Isabel, Maria, Michael & Liz recovered at James Atherton’s house.
Later in the episode ‘Crazy’, Topolsky tells Sheriff Valenti that Stevens tried to leave the Special Unit but Agent Pierce wouldn’t let him, and made an example of him, piece by Pierce.
In the SHP, we learn that Stephens was the head of the Special Unit. He replaced Agent Daniel Sommers in 1999 after Sommers was killed. In 2000, Pierce led a coup and killed Stephens when he tried to leave the unit.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - P, MA, RD
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