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Michael Guerin

Michael Guerin is a fictional character created by Melinda Metz for the young adults book series Roswell High and adapted by Jason Katims for the 1999-2002 American science fiction television series Roswell.

Mickey (by Hank - MA), Spaceboy (by Max - MIS, by Maria in ARCC), Quasimodo (by Maria in B), Favorite Little Wrestler (by Amy in TC), Stone Wall (Michael calls himself in TH), Agent Fields (TWR), Mikey G (by Courtney), He who shall remain nameless (by Maria in HTOHL), Dr. Love (by himself in VLV), the hormone (by Maria SHP about HOM), Satan (by Maria SHP about HOM)
Romantic Relationships
- Maria DeLuca
First kiss - in the Crashdown Cafe (RD)
First time - in his apartment (TD)
Courtney Banks
First kiss - outside her apartment (EOTW)
Their song - Hero of the Day by Metallica (according to Maria, SHP)
Special Talents - Drawing, painting, navigating, star charts, playing drums, cooking, making mixed drinks
Assigned Birthday - unknown, but is a minor in Jan or early Feb of 2002 (IMAA), so his his assigned birthdate must be in 1984 before the end of August
You can barely see Michael's driver's license in the episode '285S', and it seems to list his birthday as June 11, 1984.
Came out of the pods in - 1989 (MA)
Known for - being a hotheaded, impulsive, sullen, non-trusting,
obsessed with finding other aliens
Friends - Max Evans, Isabel Evans
Special/unique alien power - Blowing things up
Complete list of Alien Powers
Music - Metallica (has a poster in his apartment),
Stained (has a poster in his apartment)
Kurt Cobain/Nirvana (has a poster in his apartment)
Chaka Khan (SH - why he has this, we will never know - lol)
Watching Sports - Hockey (SH), Dirt Bike Races (MTD)
Food - Tacos (P), Chocolate Cake w/ tabasco (RD), Omelets (ID), Carrots (SH), Cherrios (SH), Mexican (C), Cheeseburgers (OTM), Chex Cereal (EOTW)
Drinks - Coke (EOTW), Cherry Coke (B), Milk (TL&V)
Movies - Braveheart (VLV), Matrix (CYN)
Dislikes - Mrs. Evans Green Bean Delight (ID)
Employment - Crashdown Cafe (Cook)
Special Talent - woodworking (TH), painting (Mis), playing drums (ARCC)
Foster Father - Hank Whitmore
(Michael was made an emancipated minor in the epi ID)
Address - 1701 East 3rd St Apt 8 (Sndtrk)
Address - 502 Powell Ave (S)
Phone # - 505-555-0166 (S)
This info is from the drivers licenses in VLV for Michael Guerin and Dr. Love. See here
Some of the info is different, like his address. Too bad we can't see his birthdate
Address - 1701 East 5th St. Roswell, NM 88201
Height - 6'
Eyes - Brown
Vehicle - Motorcycle
License plate # - H40175 (EOTW)
License plate # - A359R8 (BIY)
Killed - Agent Daniel Pierce - in the UFO Center (D)
Expressions used - Never trust a blonde (BB)
- stick a fork in us, we're done (BB)
Religious Affiliation - doesn't believe in anything but believes in hedging his bets (ARCC)
Answers to Biographical History Questions (285S)(SHP)
asked to him by Maria - with her comments in ()
1. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
2. Who is your favorite relative?
he says he’s an orphan, I say his favorite is Isabel
3. What's your favorite subject in school?
art(the guy wouldn’t know art unless it was in a comic book)
4. What is your favorite TV show?
‘The View’ (Liar), ‘Win Ben Stein’s Money’
5. What is your favorite movie?
Evil Dead 2 (figures)
6. What's the best thing that has ever happened to you?
meeting Maria Deluca (whether he knows it or not)
7. What's the worst thing that has ever happened to you?
being forced to do this stupid assignment (suck attitude)
8. Have you ever been in love?
next question
(which means he’s in love with me & doesn’t have the guts to say)
9. Do you have any enemies?
the world (gosh, he’s sooo brooding)
10. What's your greatest strength?
dazzling good looks (uggh!)
11. What's your greatest weakness?
he says none. I say rudeness, pushy, mean, kinda smelly, poor fashion sense, not terribly bright . . . there’s so much more . . . I’ll attach an appendix to this assignment . . .
12. Do you envy anyone?
he says no. (I say Max. It’s sooo obvious!)
13. With whom do you indentify the most (living or dead)?
Tony Hawk (who the hell’s that?)
14. Do you have a sense of adventure, do you like to take risks?
(HA! The guy’s a walking risk!)
15. What’s your favorite book?
Ulysses – James Joyce (Liar . . . OHMYGOD! He’s actually read it!)
16. What are you afraid of?
he says nothing (I say love, intimacy, basic human decency)
17. What’s your favorite animal?
Bull terrier (of course it would be the ugliest dog out there)
18. Do you keep a journal of your life?
no (that would require an ability to arrange words into sentences.)
19. Who knows you best in this world?
he says no one know him better than he knows himself (I say he’s full of crap)
20. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Darth Vader (that’s not even funny!)
School Schedule '99 - '00
Lunch - w/Max, Isabel, Maria, Liz, Kyle, Tess, Alex
- 5th period Art - Mr. Cowan (Mis)
Geometry - w/Max, Liz, Genoveve, Collins, Bartley - Mr. Singer (P)
History (4th period) - w/Max, Isabel, Maria, Kyle, Liz
Steve Summers (285S)
- Unknown Science class - w/Paulie del Bianco (LN)
School Schedule '00 - '01
Spanish - w/Kyle (VLV)
History (So47) - Mr. Bodish
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - ALL
Season 2 - ALL
Michael and his duplicate Rath, were both cloned from an alien named Rath, and given part of his 'essence' that supposedly would pass on his memories.
Complete Past Life info
Michael was in an incubation pod from 1947 to 1989, when he broke out with Isabel, and Max. He somehow got away from the other two and watched them from afar before finally taking the chance to trust them. With Max and Isabel, he walked through the desert to the highway, where they saw headlights coming. But unlike them he was afraid of the lights and hid. The Evans took Max and Isabel away and Michael was left alone. He was found wandering in the desert about a week later and is eventually taken to an orphanage. It must have been a different one than Max and Isabel were taken to, or they were placed with the Evans very quickly, because Michael didn't see them again for three more years.
When Michael was found, he appeared to be six years old.
Unlike Max and Isabel, Michael wasn't placed with loving parents, but with a single man, Hank Whitmore who is a physically and mentally abusive drunk, and only keeps Michael for the assistance check.
Michael is known for being a hot head, acting impulsively often with disastrous outcomes. He is intelligent but doesn't care about school and flunks his classes. He is untrusting, sullen, rude, insensitive, lacks manners and only thinks of himself and sometimes Isabel and Max. Michael is a loner and feels left out of Max and Isabel's family, and the human race. He refuses to try and fit in with humans or be bound to anyone or anything because he has to be able to leave at any time. He desperately searches for any clue to his past and real home where he might find family and belonging.
He has trouble controlling his powers, probably because he also has trouble controlling his emotions. When his powers do work, he has a destructive blast.

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