Dupes Zan

Romantic Relationships
- Ava
(but she says he never loved her, and was waiting for someone else)
Distinctive markings -
Tattoos - red circle with wavy lines (perhaps claw marks) on right forearm, vines or barb wire on left bicept, four square on right upper arm
Piercings - ring in corner of right eyebrow, stud in chin
Hair - black, thick, twisted, long spikes
Facial Hair - thin, long sideburns that go into a thin beard, and long goatee
Special/unique alien power - Unknown
Complete list of Alien Powers
Sister - Vilondra
Death Date - Nov 6th (DTM - MTD)
Killed by Lonnie and Rath
Known for being - strong, arrogant, stubborn, always trying to do everything right, trying to be perfect
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - MTD
Zan and his duplicate Max, were both cloned from an alien King named Zan, and given part of his 'essence' that supposedly would pass on his memories.

Zan Past Life
Name - Zan
Title - King of Antar
Family -
Father - no name given (deceased - MITC)
Mother - no name given
Sister - Vilondra
Future Brother-in-Law - Rath
Wife - Ava
Employees -
Second in Command/Counselor - Rath
Known for - being shy, nervous, quiet, powerful
Friends -
Appears in episodes - none
Zan was the King of the Planet Antar
We really don't know much about him other than a few things we've learned from others. In the message from his mother, she calls him the 'beloved leader' of their people. This may be true, or it could just be his mother's POV.
Courtney told Michael in 'Harvest' that Antar was on the verge of a golden age, but Michael (or Rath) wasn't on the throne. Leading us to believe that since Zan was on the throne, that somehow he did something that messed up the golden age.
Also in 'Max in the City', Nicholas tells Max that he is the same as he was in his last life and died because he makes bad decisions. In the same episode, Larek tells Max that he meant well in his last life, but he was trying to make changes too quickly. Zan wouldn't listen.
It sounds like perhaps Zan was stubborn and idealistic, and trying to force changes that weren't popular. What those changes were we can only guess.
In 'Wipeout' Nicholas tells Max that in his last life he was very powerful, and Nicholas wouldn't have been a match for him. He also says that Zan determined the fate of armies with the flip of a coin.
Perhaps Nicholas was exaggerating, but maybe not. If it is true, it sounds like Zan either didn't care what happened to his men, or he didn't have the experience to rule.
Zan was married, but we don't know if it was a love match or a political marriage. Ava is simply refered to as his young bride.
Tess repeatedly tells Max that they shared a great love in their past life, but neither Max nor his dupe Zan are in love with their former wives, leading many people to believe that the original Zan wasn't in love with his Ava.
In 'Off the Menu' Brody accesses Larek's memories of Zan and Ava and tells Max.
"Dimaras rock. That’s where you two first met. Dimaras rock, it it juts out over the water. The moon hanging over the horizon, and the color of the water…crimson red. I was there with you before you were king. We were swimming, and you looked up, and saw her on a rock. You said she was the most beautiful girl you’d ever seen. But of course you were too afraid to go talk to her. I offered to make the approach on your behalf, but you told me not to. Back then you were always so nervous and quiet, but lucky for you I was neither shy nor obedient. So I went and met her and introduced you two the same night at a party."
In 'Heart of Mine' Max remembers that he and Tess first kissed at a party. (perhaps it is the same party where they met). Tess leaned in, whispered in his ear and touched his cheek and they kissed.
Tess also says that she remembers Max in his other life, how he used to reach out at night and touch her, and how he would hold her. So if that is true, it seems that they were somewhat close at least for a while.
Zan's father died, and it is assumed that is how Zan became king, but we don't know for sure. Larek mentions in 'MITC' that he attended Zan's father's funeral and his wedding.
Ava's college from the Silver Handprint site, mentions that Zan's power was taken, presumably meaning there was a coup where Khivar took the throne. In the epi 'Harvest' Nicholas mentions that there was a revolution, and Khivar sits on Zan's tarnished throne. In 'MTD' Rath says that Khivar took Zan's throne.