Brody Davis

Known for - being obsessed with UFOs, being crazy, being rich, being a computer wiz, collecting alien artifacts, believing he was abducted by aliens and cured of his cancer
Employment - owns the UFO center
(he purchased it from Milton Ross in the fall of 2000)
Former Employment - helped take an internet start-up company public (AN)
Daughter - Sydney
Wife - no name given (divorced)
Net Worth -
$300 million (AN)
Romantic Relationship
- Maria Deluca
Food - Galaxy Sub w/ pepperjack cheese hold the mayo (MTD)
Alien connection
- he was abducted by aliens & they healed his 'incurable' cancer and returned him three days later
(Brody has no memory of this)
- during his 'abductions' he is used as a conduit for the alien Larek to 'visit' Earth
Appears in episodes -
In the episode "Ask Not" when Brody first comes to town and takes over ownership of the UFO Center, Max, Michael and Isabel believe he is an evil alien, because he is in possession of an alien device, which activates when Michael is near.
Later in the episode it is revealed that he is not an alien, but is a human who was abducted by aliens.
This is how he explains it. -
"I was driving my car down the Massachusetts Turnpike, and before you know it, I'm in the room and they're doing, something to me, and then I'm back in my car and two days have gone by, and I'm in West Virginia. I would have written the entire thing off as an acid flashback. Then my doctor told me the cancer was gone. It was bone marrow. Terminal. A year to live and poof, it's gone."
Brody was first abducted in 1993.
He worked for an internet start-up company, and helped take it public in 1993. It 'changed the face of the internet', making him an instant millionaire. But when he started talking about being abducted by aliens, the company considered him a liability, and bought him out for $300 million.
Brody wants to make contact with the aliens again and started buying supposed alien artifacts. He purchased the chevron-shaped device, and didn't know what it was, or if it was authentic, but on May 14th, 2000 it lit up (because the Royal Four activated the orbs). Brody traced the signal's origin to Roswell.
So Brody moved to Roswell and bought the Roswell UFO museum from Milton.
It is never revealed why Brody was healed, but presumably it has something to do with the fact that the alien Larek uses him for communication with Earth. Larek stays on his own planet, and reaches out with his mind, taking control of Brody's mind and body. When it is over, Brody doesn't remember what happened.
In the episode 'A Roswell Christmas Carol,' it is revealed that Brody used to be married, and has a daughter named Sydney, who is also sick with bone marrow cancer.