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Isabel Evans

Isabel Evans is a fictional character created by Melinda Metz for the young adults book series Roswell High and adapted by Jason Katims for the 1999-2002 American science fiction television series Roswell.

Isabel Amanda Evans (previously Evans-Ramirez) is an alien-human hybrid like her brother Max Evans and best friend Michael Guerin. She and Max were found as six-year-old children wandering in the desert by Philip and Diane Evans, who adopted them. She had a relationship with Alex Whitman in season one and again in season two, but the relationship never really got off the ground in season one before her "destiny" was revealed. Just as she and Alex started over in season two, Alex was killed. She was devastated by Alex's death, having a couple of dreams about him (one in which she admitted she loved him), but moved on to marry Jesse Ramirez in season three. She and her mother shared a close relationship although, it was strained when Isabel decided to marry Jesse. Over the years, Isabel's relationships with Max and Michael were also put under pressure. She became notably good friends with Kyle Valenti and saw his father Sheriff Jim Valenti as a father figure.

Isabel is a very visible, popular girl at school. She hides her kind side beneath a front of haughtiness and cold unfeeling—she is the perfect, unknowable, unobtainable beauty. On the outside, she is the most outgoing of the three hybrids and blends in with the human society with ease. While Michael is a rebellious loner and Max is shy and quiet, she is an active participant in social activities and altogether a very confident person. However, deep down she craves for stability and security, longing to fit in and be a "normal" girl like Liz and Maria are.

Powers and Abilities
Leptokinesis - The ability to manipulate the molecular structure
Dreamwalking - The ability to be present in anybody's dreams, this ability is unique to Isabel
Thermokinesis - The ability to over heat objects, this ability is unique to Isabel.
Telekinesis - The ability to move things with the wave of a hand.
Technopathy - The ability to operate electrical technology without the use of electricity, this ability is unique to Isabel
Projection- The ability to produce something through the mere power of ones mind

Biographical Information
Born - October 25th, 1982
Member of The Royal Four

Physical Information
Species - Hybrid
Gender - Female
Hair Color - Blonde
Eye Color - Brown
Skin Color- White

Isabel Evans
Full Name - Isabel Amanda Evans
aka. - Queen Amidala (by Maria in M), Barbarella (by Maria in CS of M), Iz (by Michael in TH), Izzy, Mein Furher (by Michael in ARCC), The Christmas Nazi (by Michael and Mr Evans in ARCC), Brandy Alexander (by Michael in VLV)
Romantic Relationships
- Alex Whitman
First Kiss - on Alex's doorstep (HW)
Their song - Girl Next Door by Musiq Soulchild (according to Isabel, SHP)
- Grant Sorenson
- Dave (the best man from the wedding in VLV)
Friends - Michael Guerin, Vanessa (LN), Elana (LN)
Known for - being aloof, popular, afraid to let people in, making people nervous, Volunteering (ARCC), Director Roswell Holiday Pageant, President of the Hunger Drive (ARCC)
Special/unique alien power - Dreamwalking & Connecting with people without touching them
Complete list of Alien Powers
Assigned Birthdate - October 25th, 1982 - she was 18 in 2000 (S)
Came out of the pods in - 1989 (MA)
Hobbies - studies the constellations (TC)
Family tree
Adoptive Father - Philip Evans
Adoptive Mother - Diane Evans
Brother - Max
Grandmother - no name given (LN) her father's mother, lives in Boston (M-CS)
Grandfather - no name given (LN)
Cousin - male - no name given (LN)
Birth Father - no name given
Birth Mother - no name given
Likes - movies (ITW, TS&P)
Music - Garbage (is listening to the CD in the Jeep - P), Sebadoh (has poster in her room), Tarsha Vega (AN) (the CD that she plays in the Crashdown that the girls are dancing to), Beth Orton (CYN) (Alex bought tickets to take her)
Food - Tacos (P), Pizza (MA), Fries (M), Chocolate Cake w/ tabasco (RD), Yogurt w/ extra sugar (C), Popcorn (TS&P), Cheeseburgers (OTM)
Flowers - Sterling/purple Roses are her favorite
Address - 6025 Murray Lane (TWR)
Address - 7632 Newton Ave (on driver's license) (P)
Phone # - 505-555-0183 (S)
This info is from the drivers licenses in VLV for Isabel Evans and Brandy Alexander. See here
Most of the info is different than what we already know. The season 1 address is on the license (possibly they moved after Isabel got her license but befor Max got his?), and her birthdate is incorrect from what we know in Surprise
Driver's License # - 9428X1???
Expires 5/27/2003
Date of Birth 5/27/1982
Address - 7632 Newton Ave Roswell, NM 88201
Height - 5' 9"
Eyes - Hazel
Employment - Crashdown Cafe
(Waitress - filling in for Liz one time while her grandmother was in the hospital) (LN)
Religious Affiliation - unknown, but attends midnight mass at Christmas (ARCC)
Response to Topolsky's questions
Topolsky: Dream Job? (M)
Isabel: Supermodel
Topolsky: Where do you actually see yourself in 10 years?
Isabel: I usually get what I want
Topolsky: 'Who are you in this picture?'
Isabel: I never played well with others
Future Week Career Computer Profile (M)
- puts family first, craves security and stability, leans toward Care giving fields
Topolsky writes about him - extraverted, positive
Charity Work (ARCC) -
- Director of the Roswell holiday pageant
- president of the hunger drive
- participates in the toy drive
- attends holiday events & dinner at the nursing home
- attends a Christmas dog show.
Answers to Biographical History Questions (285S)(SHP)
asked to her by Liz – with Liz’s comments in ()
1. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
who still eats ice cream? Sorbet. Peach (seems offended I asked)
2. Who is your favorite relative?
3. What's your favorite subject in school?
Pass (she doesn’t find the question relevant to who she is)
4. What is your favorite TV show?
Beverly Hills 90210
5. What is your favorite movie?
likes James Bond movies
6. What's the best thing that has ever happened to you?
getting adopted
7. What's the worst thing that has ever happened to you?
she was separated from someone important when she was young
(vague . . . Michael? Real family?)
8. Have you ever been in love?
doesn’t have time
9. Do you have any enemies?
walk behind me down the hallway at school sometime
10. What's your greatest strength?
ability to accessorize and tolerating others
11. What's your greatest weakness?
12. Do you envy anyone?
no one
13. With whom do you indentify the most (living or dead)?
Elle McPherson and Claudia Schiffer
14. Do you have a sense of adventure, do you like to take risks?
I have a sense of fashion that is firmly based in the idea of taking risks without losing sight of balance. Do not mistake loud and ugly for flair. (she made me underline that twice)
15. What’s your favorite book?
Franny & Zooey by J.D. Salinger
16. What are you afraid of?
losing her family & any accident that would lead to facial scars
17. What’s your favorite animal?
snow leopard
18. Do you keep a journal of your life?
doesn’t have to – mother videotapes every waking moment
19. Who knows you best in this world?
brother, Max
20. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Killed - Congresswoman Vanessa Whitaker at the Chavez County Power Plant by reversing her power back and rupturing the Husk (S)
School Schedule '99 - '00
Lunch - w/Max, Michael, Maria, Liz, Kyle, Tess, Alex - 5th period
P.E. - w/Tess (2nd period)
History (4th period) - w/Max, Isabel, Maria, Kyle, Liz (285S) - Steve Summers
School Schedule '00 - '01
Some kind of Science/Physics - w/Max (BIY)
Isabel and her duplicate Lonnie, were both cloned from an alien named Vilondra, and given part of her 'essence' that supposedly would pass on her memories.
Complete Past Life info
Isabel was in an incubation pod from 1947 to 1989, when she broke out with her brother Max, and Michael. Even though Max and Isabel couldn't speak, they were able to communicate somehow. Max and Isabel walked from the pod chamber, through the desert to the highway, where they were found by Diane & Philip Evans.
When Isabel was found, she appeared to be six years old.
Max and Isabel were briefly in an orphanage (we don't know how long) until they were adopted by the Evans. Her adoptive parents are very loving, supportive and understanding, and Isabel and her brother have a happy home. The Evans hope to help them overcome the trauma of their childhood and become happy adults. Unlike Max, Isabel felt at home from the first day with the Evans.
We don't exactly know what happened to Isabel after she was adopted, but when she is eight, she and Max are enrolled in public school with Liz Parker. (perhaps they were home schooled or perhaps they were in a different elementary school)
It is never mentioned, but generally assumed that Isabel went through the rest of elementary and Jr. High with Liz, but they never really knew each other that well.
While her brother Max hid himself by being secretive, Isabel went the other direction doing everything she could to fit in, becoming popular and elusive, hiding herself in an arrogant attitude and among vapid friends.
Isabel is known for being smart, beautiful, popular, an ice princess who dates a lot of guys but never gets serious. But inside she craves stability, family and someone to love. She volunteers in many causes and charities throughout the community and has a passion for creating the perfect Christmas which has earned her the nickname 'The Christmas Nazi'
Isabel refers to both Michael and Max as her brothers and often is put into the role of mediating their arguments, and thrown into the uncomfortable position of taking sides.
Isabel uses her powers the most, almost as a hobby, to spy on her fellow students and to accomplish small everyday tasks, like putting on lipstick. She also has the power to view peoples' dreams, and interact with them, but she says she can't change them.

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