Liz Parker

Elizabeth "Liz" Parker is a fictional character and the protagonist of the Roswell High book series and Roswell T.V. series that ran from 1999 to 2002

Elizabeth "Liz" Evans (née Parker) is the daughter of Nancy Parker and Jeff Parker. Liz is Max Evans' wife, the best friend of Maria DeLuca and the former best friend of Alex Whitman.

Liz Parker-Evans attended Roswell High School. Her favorite subject was science and her two best friends were Alex Whitman and Maria DeLuca. She was dating Kyle Valenti, but broke up with him and engaged in a dramatic relationship with Max Evans, which resulted in marriage.

Relationships - Max Evans (Husband)

Family Tree
Mother - Nancy Parker
Father - Jeff Parker
Grandmother - Claudia Parker (deceased)

Hobbies - amateur astronomy with her own telescope

Alien Powers
Special/unique alien power - Visions of the Future

- Miss Parker (by Topolsky in MA), Ms. Scientist (by Isabel in P), Lizzie (by her father in P), Madonna (by Maria in MA), Honey Bear (by her Grandmother in LN), Ms Texas (by Kyle in RD), Venus (by Max in B), Dream Girl (by Max in BD), Gidget (by Maria in C), Parker girl (by a deputy in D), Parker (by Alex in Mis & Sean all the time), Frieda (by Maria in WAF), Shirley Temple (by Michael in VLV)
Known for - Intelligence, Science,
Biology, Chemistry, Math, always having a plan, being in control, a nice girl, a good friend, loyal
Accomplishments - Honor student (SH), Treasurer of West Roswell High Science Club (MIS), founder West Roswell High Society of Future Scientists (RS1TC)
Music - Moby (Kyle gave her the album in Mis), You Make me Feel by Jeremy Toback (BB), I Shall Believe by Sheryl Crow (EOTW), Run Lola Run Soundtrack (S)
Food - Vanilla Ice Cream (285S), Chinese (B), Donuts & Milk (HW), Steak (BD), Mexican (C)
Romantic Relationships
- Max Evans
First kiss - on her balcony outside her room (HW)
First date - Senior Chow, dinner, playing pool & dancing (B)
- Kyle Valenti
First kiss - last day of freshman year in the Janitor's closet at West Roswell High School (RD)
- Sean Deluca
First kiss - in his Volkswagen Bug, outside the Crashdown Cafe (HOM)
- Doug Shellow
First kiss - inside Chez Pierre (BD)
Friends - Maria Deluca, Alex Whitman
Address - 23 N. Main St (above the Crashdown Cafe) (Sndtrk)
Parker's house floorplans - here
Cell Phone # - 505-555-0125 (ITL&ITB)
Birthdate - between Sept & Nov 1983
Liz's birthdate it is never mentioned, but through a series of deductions made while I was researching dates, I think this is probably correct. Take a deep breath, it is bumpy ride!
Future Max mentions that Liz is seventeen in EOTW, which is set in late November of 2000. From that we can figure that she was born in 1983.
So she turned 17 before the end of Nov 2000, and Liz is still seventeen in season 3 'Busted' when she is on trial which doesn't have an exact date, but takes place sometime after school started in Aug of 2001.
In New Mexico, anyone who is 5 years old after Aug 31st must wait an extra year to start school, and that seems to be what Liz had to do. She was born in 1983, and Alex, Maria and Kyle were all born in 1984 but they are in the same grade. This makes me think that Liz must have been born in Sept or later and waited a year to go to school.
This info is from the drivers licenses in VLV for Liz Parker and Shirley Temple. See here
Some of the info seems to be correct, but the address is different, and the date of birth can't be right
Driver's License # - 6411X1907
Expires 6/23/2002
Date of Birth 6/23/1983
Address - 427 Nelson Ave Roswell, NM 88201
Weight - 105
Height - 5' 4"
Eyes - Brown
Liz's Savings Account - $2053.78 (ITL&ITB)
Family tree
Mother - Nancy Parker
Father - Jeff Parker
Grandmother - Claudia Parker (deceased)
Great Grandfather? (possibly Claudia's father-in-law) - Pete Parker (deceased?)
Employment -
Crashdown Cafe - Waitress (P) & Manager (B)
Congresswoman Vanessa Whitaker's Office - Intern
Hobbies - amateur astronomy with her own telescope (P,B)
Special/unique alien power - Visions of the Future
Complete list of Alien Powers
Religious Affiliation - unknown, but attends midnight mass at Christmas. Says that perhaps there is someone planning life and there is a reason for things, and you have to respect that. (ARCC)
Answers to Topolsky's questions (M)
TOPOLSKY: Dream Job?
Liz: molecular biologist, dream, dream job, head of molecular biology at Harvard
TOPOLSKY: Where do you actually see yourself in 10 years
Liz: molecular biologist
(this didn't appear in the show but was in a supposedly earlier version of the script)
TOPOLSKY: Tell me which character in this drawing is the most like you and tell me what they're doing at the park. LIZ (pointing): Oh, I used to do that all the time.
TOPOLSKY: Build sandcastles?
LIZ (animated): I tried for weeks to build one of those turrets because you can't have a real castle without a turret. I even made my Dad take me to the library and get a book on sandcastles. All I had to do was follow the directions. It took a few tries, but once my friends did what I told them to do, voila! We had a turret.
(realizing) I mean, it's not like I forced them to or anything. It was more like a team and I was like the team leader.
TOPOLSKY: The one with the plan.
LIZ: Exactly. By the end of the summer I planned a whole city and the newspaper came and took a picture of it.
Answers to Biographical History Questions (285S)(SHP)
asked to her by Isabel – with Isabel’s comments in ()
Link to the orig questionnaire
1. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
2. Who is your favorite relative?
Grandma Claudia
3. What's your favorite subject in school?
chemistry, biology (tie)
4. What is your favorite TV show?
5. What is your favorite movie?
When Harry Met Sally
6. What's the best thing that has ever happened to you?
Every day I get to wake up and be alive
7. What's the worst thing that has ever happened to you?
Grandma Claudia dying
8. Have you ever been in love?
not yet (as if)
9. Do you have any enemies?
I hope not
10. What's your greatest strength?
ability to reason and problem solve
11. What's your greatest weakness?
has some trouble with integers – just kidding
guesses it’s over thinking situations (save it for the college essay)
12. Do you envy anyone?
each person I meet has a quality I admire
13. With whom do you indentify the most (living or dead)?
Marie Curie, Jane Austin
14. Do you have a sense of adventure, do you like to take risks?
no. but did make alcohol out of pixie sticks in chem club last year & we all took sips
15. What’s your favorite book?
Little Women, Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
16. What are you afraid of?
not having control
17. What’s your favorite animal?
pretty much love everything in the cetacean order (crossed out) dolphins (nerd)
18. Do you keep a journal of your life?
thinks it’s important to record all the moments of our lives because some won’t seem to have meaning now, but if we can look back on them, we’ll see every moment
is significant in who we are.
19. Who knows you best in this world?
best friend, Maria Deluca
20. What do you want to be when you grow up?
head of molecular biology research at Harvard
Academic Record - Honor student (SH), and on the valedictorian path (P)
School Schedule '99 - '00
Unknown Class (1st period) - w/Maria, Pam troy (P)
Lunch - w/Max, Michael, Isabel, Maria, Kyle, Tess, Alex -
(in 'Blood Brothers' has 5th period lunch)
Biology - w/Max (P) - Ms. Hardy (in 'Blood Brothers' has 4th period Biology)
US Government (after Biology, 5th period) (P)
Chemistry - w/Max, Alex, Maria, Tess - Mr. Seligman (TL&V)
Geometry - w/Max, Michael, Genoveve, Collins, Bartley - Mr. Singer (MA)
Ethics - w/Kyle (TH)
English - w/Maria (BB)
History (4th period) - w/Max, Isabel, Maria, Kyle, Michael
- Steve Summers (285S)
Extra Curricular -
Science Club - Treasurer
School Schedule '00 - '01
Some kind of Science/Physics - w/Max, Isabel (MTD) - Mr. Seligman
Trig - w/Liz (So47)
Biology - 3rd period - w/Maria, Alex (VLV) (ITL&ITB)
History - (WAF)
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - ALL
Season 2 - ALL
Liz describes herself as the smallest of small town girls, believing she is nothing special. She is intelligent, a straight-A student on track to being valedictorian, especially good in science, and plans a career in Biology. She works as a waitress in her family's restaurant, and dates a jock in her high school.
Liz comes from a happy home with parents who love and support her. She is a good girl and always does what her parents expect, but she is also a romantic and adventuresome. She has friends and joins in at school but isn't really in the popular crowd.
She is calm, a thinker, a planner, organized, focuses on what needs to be done and how to accomplish it. Every situation has a plan and there is no acting on impulse.
Her own rules are broken, however when she is shot and healed by Max, who begs her to keep quiet about what he did. Instead of telling everyone about Max, she keeps it to herself, starting a friendship and romance between them.