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Kyle Valenti

Kyle Valenti is a fictional character created by Melinda Metz for the young adults book series Roswell High and adapted by Jason Katims for the 1999-2002 American science fiction television series Roswell.

Kyle Valenti is a fictional character created by for the young adults book series Roswell High and adapted by Jason Katims for the 1999-2002 American science fiction television series Roswell. He was portrayed by actor Nick Wechsler in the television series.
Kyle made his first appearance in the Roswell pilot episode and remained a main character throughout all three seasons of the show.

He is the son of the Roswell sheriff, Jim Valenti who is not very close to him. His ex girlfriend is Liz Parker who he attends school with him.

Kyle Valenti
aka. - Stalker (by Maria in RD), Jackass (by Max in BD), Valenti (various), Lyle (by the radio DJ in BD), Sheriff's Boy (by a deputy in D), Buddha Boy (by Tess in AN), Harvey Wallbanger (by Michael in VLV), Grasshopper (by Alex in VLV)
Romantic Relationships - Tess Harding
Their song - Oops, I did it Again by Brittney Spears (according to Tess, SHP)
- Trudy McIntire
he took her to the prom sophomore year (HOM)
- Liz Parker
First kiss - last day of freshman year in the Janitor's closet at West Roswell High School (RD)
- Vicki Delaney
First kiss - first seen kiss, in a pickup truck bed outside the rave at the Old Soap Factory (HW)
Birthdate - April 30th, 1984
Friends - Tommy Hoeig (MA), Paulie Del Bianco (LN), Malamoot (HOM)
Sports played - Basketball, Baseball, Football, Wrestling, Tennis
Likes -
Food - Three cheese potato gratin with bacon on the bottom, meatloaf sandwiches
Drinks - Jones Soda (he is drinking a green one in AN)
Sports figures - Tim Couch #2 of the Cleveland Browns, Stephen Davis #48 of the Washington Redskins (posters of them in his room - AN)
Reading Material - Jugs, Busty Biker Babes, Hustler, Buddhism for Beginners (AN)
Activities - Fishing (W)
Accomplishments - Winning the State-Wide Jr. Rifle Competition (285S), Student Athlete of the Month Sept 1999 (MA), he is a letterman
Known for - being a jock, funny, cocky, neglected by his father
Weight - 160 lbs (BD)
Family tree
Father - Jim Valenti Jr
Mother - Michele Valenti (divorced?) (HW)
Grandfather - James Valenti Sr.
Grandmother - no name given (deceased?)
Address - 14 Olive Street, Roswell, NM 88201 (WAF)
Address - 108 Hibbert Rd (Sndtrk)
I think I can explain the two addresses. The Valenti's definitely lived in a different house in the first part of season 1. They must have moved sometime between Missing and Toy House.
This info is from the drivers licenses in VLV for Kyle Valenti and Harvey Wallbanger.
Most of the info seems to match what we already know, but the address is slightly different, and the birthdate is incorrect from what we know in CYN.
Driver's License # - 411Q1507
Expires 3/20/2002
Date of Birth 3/20/1983
Address - 108 Hillbert Rd Roswell, NM 88201
Weight - 143
Height - 5' 7"
Eyes - Hazel
Vehicle - Red Ford Mustang convertible
License plate # - 458 K1W (MA)
Likes - porn
Watching Sports - Basketball (TL&V), Football (ARCC)
Playing Sports - Football (MA), Baseball - left field (M), Basketball (TH), Wrestling (BD)
Food - Meatloaf (WAF)
Music - Moby (he gives Liz the album in HW)
Expressions used - This fish won't swallow that bait (BB)
Religious Affiliation - Buddhist, but attends midnight mass at Christmas (ARCC)
Response to Topolsky's questions
Topolsky: Dream Job? (M)
Kyle: Houston Astros left field
Topolsky: Where do you actually see yourself in 10 years?
Kyle: Houston Astros left field
Topolsky: 'Who are you in this pic?'
Kyle: king of the jungle gym
Future Week Career Computer Profile
- Law Enforcement
Answers to Biographical History Questions (285S)(SHP)
asked to him by Max – with Max’s comments in ()
Link to the orig questionnaire
1. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
doesn’t like it
2. Who is your favorite relative?
3. What's your favorite subject in school?
Phys Ed
4. What is your favorite TV show?
America’s Most Wanted - watches w/Dad
5. What is your favorite movie?
6. What's the best thing that has ever happened to you?
Winning Statewide Junior Rifle Competition
7. What's the worst thing that has ever happened to you?
Parents’ divorce
8. Have you ever been in love?
10 times a day
9. Do you have any enemies?
“only one” (not touching that one)
10. What's your greatest strength?
generosity (joke?)
11. What's your greatest weakness?
has difficulty controlling rage
12. Do you envy anyone?
wouldn’t answer
13. With whom do you indentify the most (living or dead)?
Jesus Christ & Attila the Hun
14. Do you have a sense of adventure, do you like to take risks?
only with the girls he dates
15. What’s your favorite book?
N/A – doesn’t read
16. What are you afraid of?
17. What’s your favorite animal?
Monkeys that fling their own poo (crossed out) Never mind, forget it
18. Do you keep a journal of your life?
19. Who knows you best in this world?
his dad
20. What do you want to be when you grow up?
professional athlete
School Schedule '99 - '00
Lunch - w/Max, Michael, Maria, Liz, Tess, Alex - 5th period
English - w/Tess (4S)(1st period)
Ethics - w/Liz (TH)
History (4th period) - w/Max, Isabel, Maria, Liz - Steve Summers (285S)
Student # - 424666 (WAF)
Extra Curricular -
Football #32 (MA)
Basketball #14 (TH)
Baseball - left field (M)
Greco-Roman Wrestling, Varsity team (BD) - Coach Klay (Sndtrk)
School Schedule '00 - '01
Trig - Meichtry - 1st period (WAF)
Basic Science - Freeington - 2nd period (WAF)
College English - Matthews - 3rd period (WAF)
P.E. - Hernandez - 4th period (WAF)
U.S. History - Brenner - 5th period (WAF)
Metal Shop - Hoffarth - 6th period (WAF)
Spanish - w/Michael (VLV)
Gets tutoring M,T,W,Th before & after school 6:30-7:25am & 2:35-3:35pm
It is easier to list the ones he's not in
Does not appear in episodes -
Season 1 - B, TC, ID, SH, MTTM, TWR
Season 2 - S&B, H, MTD, MITC, ITL&ITB
Kyle lives with his single father. His mother left them when he was six.
Kyle craves his father's attention but often feels left out of his life because of his father's obsession with aliens.
He enjoys outdoor activities, fishing, hunting, camping and target shooting. Kyle has been an athlete all his life, playing little league and continuing into high school where he is on the football, basketball, baseball and wrestling teams, and aspires to be a pro athlete.
Although he is good in a variety of sports, he isn't such a good student, and was even in remedial science for several years.
He is popular in school, hanging out with teammates. He is a bit spoiled by his father who got him a red mustang convertible.
Kyle can be arrogant and even cruel, but is known for being funny and was a caring boyfriend to Liz. He gets drunk occasionally, but is responsible enough to tell his friends that beating up Max was wrong. He admits he isn't really good with the romantic stuff, but seems to have no problem getting dates.
When Liz starts hanging out with Max, Kyle is concerned for her safety and is jealous and stalks her a bit before realizing it is a lost cause and settles for friendship.
Kyle is attracted to Tess when she first comes to town and she uses him to lure Max to the library where she recovers the 'destiny book'.
After Kyle is shot and healed by Max, his father presumably tells him the truth about the aliens, although we never see that conversation. That summer when Kyle is a football camp he starts wondering about his place in the universe and gets into Buddhism.
When Tess moves in with the Valenti's, Kyle continues to flirt with her, and there certainly seems to be an attraction between them. They almost kiss in 'The End of the World'. It makes you wonder where exactly that relationship would have gone if Liz didn't interrupt them.
Kyle and Tess remain close and have a playful if not romantic relationship. They are always flirting and teasing each other, and they even go to the prom together, but Kyle tells Tess that he can't be with her because he considers her a sister. (anyone else smell mindwarp?)

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