
Nasedo aka Edward "Ed" M. Harding is a fictional character from the television series Roswell, portrayed mainly by actor Jim Ortlieb, although also by many others whose form he "shapeshifts

Ed Harding
aka Nasedo, Noreaga (by Kyle in AN)
Full Name - Edward M. Harding (TL&V)
Known for - being a shapeshifter, the protector of the Royal 4, being very practical to the point of murder
special or unique alien power - Unknown
Complete list of Alien Powers
Family -
Wife - Shelia Harding (divorced/possibly dead)
Daughter - Tess Harding
Rental Car that he has when he poses as Max and takes Liz - black Chrysler Sebring convertible (MTTM)
License Plate - 210 V3U (MTTM)
433 Crestview, Roswell NM 88201 (4S)
503-555-0152 (4S)
Former Employment - Civilian Consultant - Ft. McCelland, Birmingham, AL (TL&V)
US Army Material Command in Alexandria, VA
Employment - Military Consultant
Address - 3 Williams Rd, Roswell, NM 88201
Former Employment - US Army Material Command
Address - Alexandria, VA
Killed - Shelia Hubble
- Agent Morris
- Agent Mattheson
Deceased -
Killed by Congresswoman Vanessa Whitaker (S&B)
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - TL&V, 4S, MTTM, TWR, D
Season 2 - S&B, AN
There is some controversy as to whether ‘Ed’ is Nasedo or not, so I will just refer to him as ‘Ed’
‘Ed’ is one of the shapeshifters who was captured by the government after the ’47 crash. He escaped almost immediately and spent the next forty years apparently roaming the US and killing of heads of the Special Unit. Ed kills by raising the temperature of internal organs to 180 degrees. (TWR)
The shapeshifter known as Nasedo spent some time living in a cave on the Mesaliko reservation – see Nasdeo for complete info.
For some unknown reason Ed killed Everett Hubble’s wife Shelia while he was posing as a vagrant.
Ed went to the pod chamber to get Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess when they ‘hatched’ but only Tess was still there. The others had already left and he spent the next ten years trying to find them.
Not much is known what happened to them afterward, but Tess tells Isabel that they’ve been running from the Special Unit all her life. It seems to me that Ed must be pretty incompetent if the Special Unit keeps finding them.
It is not exactly clear what led Ed back to Roswell to find the other three hybrids, perhaps it was the signal that Michael sent at the library in ‘Blind Date.’ At first Ed and Tess pretend to be humans, but Tess finally reveals that she is part of their group and her ‘father’ is their protector.
He is known to be disdainful of humans, and tells Tess not to get attached to Earthly things because it isn’t her true home. He is snarky, dismissive, arrogant, and has a strange sense of humor.
Ed is very skilled at using his powers, and at times seems to have great intelligence, but other times his decisions and plans seem very ill-conceived.