Deputy Hansen

Known for - being not too intelligent, easily mislead, suggestible, over-zealous, suspicious and indiscrete
Likes - Frappuccino
Employment - Deputy in the Roswell Sheriff's office (MA - WAF)
Acting Sheriff (WAF - DEP)
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - MA, HW, ITW, TC, MTTM
Season 2 - S&B, TS&P, WAF, DB, CYN, ITL&ITB, OTM
Hansen (no first name given), is the sometimes clueless, sometimes over-zealous deputy in the Roswell Sheriff's office.
He is mostly responsible for having Agent Pierce's bones investigated because he was indiscrete and discussed the coroner's report about them in front of Congresswoman Whitaker. She insisted on a further investigation.
Hansen is appointed 'Acting Sheriff' when Valenti is fired for his actions in the Laurie Dupree case. Most likely it was in or around the episode 'We Are Family', but it isn't mentioned until 'Off the Menu'.