Miss Topolsky

Kathleen Ann Topolsky
Nickname - Kat (SHP)
Topolsky's Emails
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Born - September 13, 1973 in Hartford, CT (SHP)
Died - April 14, 2000 in Bethesda, MD (SHP)
killed in a fire at Bethesda Psychiatric Institute (SHP)
Mother - Kathleen R. Topolsky, homemaker (SHP)
Father - Roger Topolsky, Pharmacist (SHP)
Brother - Allister (SHP)
born 1975 (SHP)
died Nov 1993 of Hodgkin's Disease (SHP)
Aunt - Poppy (deceased) (SHP)
Accomplishments - at the age of 14 in 1987 she won the National Karate Championship, under 17 division (SHP)
Known for - photographic memory (MA)
Friends - Susan Duff (SHP)
Romantic Relationships
- Anthony Roberts (SHP)
Education -
High School - graduated Magna Cum Laude (SHP)
College - University of Hartford (SHP)
BA in Psychology Fall 1993 (SHP)
Grad School - University of Michigan (SHP)
PhD in Psychology 1997 (SHP)
Thesis - Importance of Oral History in Psychology (285S)
Employment - Private Practice in Psychology, 1997-99 (SHP)
FBI, Special Unit 1999 (SHP)
Applied to FBI in 1999, had 15 weeks of training
First assignment - Sept 1999 (SHP)
Investigation Code Name - Project West Roswell High (SHP)
Cover Story - Guidance Councilor at West Roswell High School (MA)
Code in # - 72390 (MIS)
Removed from assignment - Nov 19, 1999 (SHP)
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - MA, M, MIS, 285S, RD, BB, C
After Topolsky's cover was blown, she was held & questioned by the Special Unit for 4 weeks in the Bethesda Mental Hospital where Dr. Malcom Margolin works.