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Maria Deluca

Maria DeLuca is a fictional character created by Melinda Metz for the young adults book series Roswell High and adapted by Jason Katims for the 1999-2002 American science fiction television series Roswell.

Maria Deluca is one of the main characters on Roswell. She is known as being wacky yet, very realistic and jaded about life. She enters into a passionate relationship with Hybrid Michael Guerin throughout the span of the show which is often the counterpoint to the tender relationship found between Liz and Max. She is best friends with Liz Parker and Alex Whitman as the series begins. She attends West Roswell High School and works at the Crashdown Cafe which Liz's parents own. Maria was there the day that Liz was shot then saved by Max Evans. She is extemely suspicious of what happened between Max and Liz and her suspicious proved be correct when she found Liz's waitresses pad covered in blood. Liz then tells Maria about Max's secret of being an alien to which Maria promptly freaks out.

Relationships - Michael Guerin (Boyfriend)

Maria DeLuca
aka. - That Maria Girl (by Michael in RD), Teflon (by herself in B), 'M' (by Sean in TS&P), Margarita Salt (by Michael in VLV)
Known for - being wacky, high strung
Romantic Relationships
- Doug Sohn - boyfriend in eighth grade (B)
First kiss - in eighth grade (B)
- Michael Guerin
First kiss - in the Crashdown Cafe (RD)
First time - Michael Guerin - at his apartment (TD)
Their song - Hero of the Day by Metallica (according to Maria, SHP)
- Brody Davis
Friends - Liz Parker, Alex Whitman
Special Talents - sings
Hobbies - sings karaoke at the Pizza Pan on Wednesday's night (BD)
Birthdate - late Jan or the first part of Feb in 1984
in the epi 'Disturbing Behavior', she is 17 in the first part of Feb
in the epi 'I Married an Alien', she was turning 18 'next week' in Jan or first part of Feb
Employment - Crashdown Cafe (Waitress)
probably has worked or still works as a babysitter as well (BB)
Family tree
Mother - Amy Deluca
Father - no name given (left when she was 7) (SH)
Cousin - Sean Deluca
Grandmother - no name given (W)
Grandfather? - Breepa Deluca (deceased) (So47)
Address - 3831 Bonnie Rd (SHP & Drivers License)
Phone # - 505-555-0147(?) (SHP)
This info is from the drivers licenses in VLV for Maria Deluca and Margarita Salt.
Some of the info seems to be correct, but the expiration date is 4/18 which is typically the date of birth, but it can't be right
Driver's License # - 428X9920
Expires 4/18/2002
Address - 3831 Bonnie Rd Roswell, NM 88201
Weight - 110
Height - 5' 5"
Eyes - Green
Vehicle - '92 Red, Volkswagen Jetta
License plate # - 279 D6I (P)
Food - Ice Cream (B), Mexican (C), Italian (D)
Cartoon - Scooby Doo (D)
Music - Genie in a Bottle by Christina Aguliera (M), Alanis Morrisette (BD), & Nelly Furtado (BIY), Portishead (So47 - Maria mentions to Michael the tickets are on sale)
Dislikes - BBQ
Religious Affiliation - unknown, but attends midnight mass at Christmas and refers to Christmas as the birthday of our lord and savoir, so she must be sort of religious (ARCC)
Response to Topolsky's question Topolsky:
Dream Job? (M) Maria: like I have any skills
Topolsky: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Maria: we could all be dead in 10 years
Topolsky: Who are you in this picture? Maria: Could this get any more lame What
Topolsky writes about her - feelings of insecurity
Answers to Biographical History Questions (285S)(SHP)
asked to her by Michael - he didn't write any of her responses
1. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Who cares?
2. Who is your favorite relative?
Who cares?
3. What's your favorite subject in school?
Who cares?
4. What is your favorite TV show?
Who cares?
5. What is your favorite movie?
Who cares?
6. What's the best thing that has ever happened to you?
meeting me of course!
7. What's the worst thing that has ever happened to you?
Who cares?
8. Have you ever been in love?
Who cares?
9. Do you have any enemies?
Who cares?
10. What's your greatest strength?
Who cares?
11. What's your greatest weakness?
Who cares?
12. Do you envy anyone?
13. With whom do you indentify the most (living or dead)?
14. Do you have a sense of adventure, do you like to take risks?
15. What’s your favorite book?
16. What are you afraid of?
2222 . . .
17. What’s your favorite animal?
2222 . . .
18. Do you keep a journal of your life?
2222 . . .
19. Who knows you best in this world?
2222 . . .
20. What do you want to be when you grow up?
2222 . . .
School Schedule '99 - '00
Unknown Class
(1st period) - w/Maria, Pam troy (P)
English - w/Liz (BB)
Lunch - w/Max, Michael, Liz, Kyle, Tess, Alex - 5th period
Shop (TH)
Chemistry - w/Liz, Max, Alex, Tess - Seligman (TL&V)
(4th period) - w/Max, Isabel, Kyle, Liz (285S) - Steve Summers
(presumably she takes French - she's in the French Club) (C)
Extra Curricular - French Club (C)
School Schedule '00 - '01
Biology - 3rd period - w/Liz, Alex (VLV)(ITL&ITB)
History - Mr Forentino - (Dep-CS)
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - ALL
Season 2 - ALL
Maria is from a broken family. Her parents married young and her father left when she was seven, and he hasn't been in her life since.
Her mother is a former hippie and single mother and works hard to provide for them. She loves Maria and makes the best home she can.
Maria seems to have inherited some of her mother's habits and lifestyle. She is into herbal remedies, aroma therapy and fortune tellers. She is an average student and not really into school. She was even in remedial science for three years.
She is known for being wacky, over reactive, energetic, jumps to wild conclusions, and has a tendency to freak out. She is a terrible liar and doesn't work well under pressure, but she also has surprising insight at times and can be a good friend.
She is a romantic, has craved love all her life, and envies what she sees as Liz and Max's 'perfect' relationship.
She has a talent for singing and even though she sings pop and classic songs, hopes to be like Alanis Morisette someday.

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