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James Valenti Sr.

Wife – no name given
Son – Sheriff James Valenti Jr.
Daughter-In-Law – Michele Valenti
Grandson – Kyle Valenti
Birthdate - 1936 (according to a newspaper article in TC, but this can't be right, that would make him 11 in 1947 when he was a deputy. Perhaps he was born in 1926 and the article got his age wrong.)
Romantic Relationship – possibly Rosemary (So47)
Employment – Sheriff of Roswell New Mexico (retired)
Address – Sunshine Retirement Center
James Valenti Sr. was present at the ’47 crash site, and what he saw made him a believer. He chased alien sightings the rest of his career, often leaving his wife and son alone, and earning him the nickname Sergeant Martian.
When Everett Hubble came to him in 1972 and told him the story of how his wife was killed by an alien, Valenti Sr. agreed to help Hubble hunt down the alien.
They believed the alien was a shapeshifter impersonating a drifter, and tracked him to a silo. Hubble shot and killed the man, who turned out to be a human, not an alien. (Hubble later told Valenti Jr. that Valenti Sr. couldn't shoot him and stop him from killing the supposed alien.) Valenti Sr. was arrested for the shooting and lost his badge because of it. He may have also had some type of nervous breakdown, because it doesn't seem that he ever told anyone that Hubble really did the shooting.
In the episode ‘The Convention’, Valenti Sr. tells his son, Sheriff Valenti that Hubble killed the drifter.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - ITW, TC
Season 2 - S47

Young James Valenti Sr.
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