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Max Evans

Maxwell "Max" Evans is a fictional character created by Melinda Metz for the young adults book series Roswell High and adapted by Jason Katims for the 1999-2002 American science fiction television series Roswell.

Maxwell "Max" Evans, also known as the former King Zan of Antar, is an alien-hybrid and part of The Royal Four. Max is the brother of Isabel Evans, Michael Guerin's best friend and the husband of Liz Parker. He also has a son, Zan, through Tess Harding.

In Max's previous existence,before becoming Max Evans. Max was Zan King of Antar. Michael was his second in command and Tess was his wife. During Zan's existence, Vilandra, Isabel's former self, betrays Zan, by siding with Kivar his enemy but later on in season 3 Michael remembers that kivar had said to her nobody would get hurt but he had lied. This cost the lives of most of the antarians, including The Royal Four.

Early Life:
The ship carrying the biological clones, Max, Isabel, Michael and Tessa crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. The army took the alien craft and took it to study. The four clones are saved by a US Air Force pilot and hidden from sight in a new ship, hidden in the center of a rock formation. Although, the clones do not emerge until forty years later in 1989. However, only Max, Isabel and Michael leave the ship together, disguised as human children. The three are left with no memories of their former loves on Antar, nor does the fourt., Tessa, whom did not emerge with the other three. Instead, she is rescued by an Anatarian, who wants something from her. Max and Isabel are found wondering together and are both adopted by a couple of lawyers, The Evans. Leaving Michael alone and without a family.

Powers and Abilities
Leptokinesis - The ability to manipulate the molecular structure.
Healing - The ability to restore somebody to full health, this ability is uniqe to Max
Force Field - The ability to project a green shield to protect ones self, this ability is unique to Max
Soul Projection - The ability to project ones soul from their body, this ability is unique to Max

Biographical Information
BornMarch 15th, 1983
Member of The Royal Four

Physical Information
Species - Hybrid
Gender - Male
Hair Color - Black
Eye Color - Brown
Skin Color - White

Familial Information
Wife- Liz Parker
Children - Zan Evans
Adoptive Parents - Phillip Evans & Diane Evans
Siblings - Isabel Evans

Maxwell (by Michael), Maximillian (by Michael), Gandhi (by Michael in LN), Prince Charming (by Maria in B), Evans (by Kyle in BD), Wussy (by Kyle in BD), Secret-keeper Max (by himself in BD), Moondoggie (by Maria in C), Girlfriend (by Maria in S&B), Rob Roy (by Michael in VLV), Fearless Leader (by Michael in AN), The Once & Future King (by T. Greer in H), Senior Presidente (by Kyle in W), Deputy Dog (by Grant in S), Maxie (Rath in MTD)
Romantic Relationships
- Liz ParkerNow wife
First kiss - on her balcony outside her room (HW)
First date - Senior Chow, dinner, playing pool & dancing (B)
- Tess Harding
First kiss - outside the Crashdown in the rain (TL&V)
although this kiss seems to have been forced by Tess' powers
First unforced kiss - at the Senior Prom at the High School (HOM)
this kiss appears to be consensual - although with Tess' powers, who knows! ;)
First time - at the Roswell Observatory (ITL&TB)
if it wasn't a mind warp - lol
Known for - Intelligence, being controlling, a non-joiner, careful, quiet
Accomplishments - Honor student (SH)
Special/unique alien power - Healing & Protective Shield
Complete list of Alien Powers
Family tree
Adoptive Father - Philip Evans
Adoptive Mother - Diane Evans
Sister - Isabel
Grandmother - no name given (LN) his father's mother, lives in Boston (M-CS)
Grandfather - no name given (LN)
Cousin - male - no name given (LN)
Birth Father - no name given
Birth Mother - no name given
Employment - UFO Center
Music - Counting Crows (When he is upset) (TH) , You Make me Feel by Jeremy Toback (BB), Sunny Day Real Estate (has the poster in his room), Moby (has the poster in his room, and comments to Liz that it is a good album - Mis)
Author - Steinbeck (EOTW)
Movies - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (CYN)
Food - Tacos (P), Pizza (MA), Vanilla Ice Cream (285S), his grandmothers' Molasses Cookies (M-CS), Alien Blast (LN), Men in Blackberry Pie, Chinese (B), Mexican (C), scrambled eggs and hash browns (ARCC), Hamburger, Onion Rings, Coke, Asteroid Pie (WAF)
Drink - Cherry Coke (285S), Orange Juice (W)
Dislikes - his mother's Frittata (W)
Friends - Michael Guerin
Assigned Birthday - March 15th, 1983 (the date is hard to make out) (P&BB)
Came out of the pods in - 1989 (MA)
Address - 6025 Murray Lane (TWR)
(coincidentally, this is also the same address that Valenti has listed for FBI agent John Stephens, but in VA.)
Address - 7632 Newton Ave (on driver's license) (P)
Evans' house floorplans - here
Phone # - 505-555-0183 (S)
This info is from Max's drivers license in the Pilot Driver's License # - 111Z1409 (P)
Expires 3/15/2001 (P)
Weight - 165? (P)
Eyes - Hazel (P)
This info is from the drivers licenses in VLV for Max Evans and Rob Roy. See here
All of the info seems to match what we already know.
Driver's License # - 111Z1409
Expires 3/15/2002
Date of Birth 3/15/1983
Address - 6026 Murray Lane Roswell, NM 88201
Weight - 165
Height - 6'
Eyes - Hazel
Vehicle - Jeep
License plate # - MX7 984 (on registration) (P)
License plate # - 384 X7A (on the Jeep) (P) License plate # - 384 X74 (on the Jeep) (season 2)
Religious Affiliation - atheist (ARCC)
Capital One MasterCard # - 5000 0123 4567 8910 exp 03/30/01
Response to Topolsky asking 'Who are you in this pic? (M)
- the one behind the tree
(this conversation was longer in an early version of the script)
TOPOLSKY: Are you playing a game with your friends? Hide and go seek?
MAX: No.
TOPOLSKY: Do you like games?
MAX: Not really.
TOPOLSKY: I'm going to read you some career areas and you stop me when you hear one that interests you, okay?
(Max nods)
Law.. Medicine.. Business... Civil Service... don't forget to stop me.
MAX: I won't.
TOPOLSKY: Engineering... Architecture... Armed Service... Sports... nothing yet?
MAX: They all sound interesting.
TOPOLSKY: But nothing you'd commit to?
MAX: Not yet.
TOPOLSKY: Were you ever in therapy, Max?
MAX: Law.
MAX: My father's a lawyer. That's what I want to go into.
What Topolsky writes about him - has secrets (M)
Answers to Biographical History Questions (285S)(SHP)
asked to him by Kyle – with Kyle’s comments in ()
Link to the orig questionnaire
1. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
2. Who is your favorite relative?
3. What's your favorite subject in school?
4. What is your favorite TV show?
doesn't watch TV (freak)
5. What is your favorite movie?
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
6. What's the best thing that has ever happened to you?
getting adopted (freak)
7. What's the worst thing that has ever happened to you?
watching Liz almost get shot (twist the knife, why don’t you?)
8. Have you ever been in love?
9. Do you have any enemies?
no (yeah you do, you just don’t know it)
10. What's your greatest strength?
his family (Aww, ain’t that sweet?)
11. What's your greatest weakness?
12. Do you envy anyone?
no, life’s too short (gimme a break!)
13. With whom do you indentify the most (living or dead)?
Van Gogh (must be an ear thing HA!)
14. Do you have a sense of adventure, do you like to take risks?
15. What’s your favorite book?
Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men”
16. What are you afraid of?
public speaking
17. What’s your favorite animal?
18. Do you keep a journal of your life?
no (freak laughed at this)
19. Who knows you best in this world?
20. What do you want to be when you grow up?
teacher (how to steal other guy’s girlfriends 101 by Prof. Max Evans)
Academic Record - Honor student (SH)
School Schedule '99 - '00
P.E.(4th period) (LN)
Lunch - w/Liz, Michael, Isabel, Maria, Kyle, Tess, Alex (in 'Blood Brothers' has 5th period lunch)
English (in 'Leaving Normal' has 5th period English)
Biology - w/Liz - Ms. Hardy (P) (in 'Blood Brothers' has 4th period Biology)
Chemistry - w/Liz, Alex, Maria, Tess - Mr. Seligman (TL&V)
Geometry - w/Liz, Michael, Genoveve, Collins, Bartley - Mr. Singer (P)
Trig (BB)
History (4th period) - w/Liz, Isabel, Maria, Kyle, Michael - Steve Summers (285S)
School Schedule '00 - '01
Some kind of Science/Physics - w/Liz (MTD), w/Isabel (BIY) - Mr. Seligman
Trig - w/Liz (So47)
History - Mr. Lafeber (AN)
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - Season 2 - All
ALL Max and his duplicate Zan, were both cloned from an alien King named Zan, and given part of his 'essence' that supposedly would pass on his memories. Complete Past Life info Max was in an incubation pod from 1947 to 1989, when he broke out with his sister Isabel, and Michael. Even though Max and Isabel couldn't speak, they were able to communicate somehow. Max and Isabel walked from the pod chamber, through the desert to the highway, where they were found by Diane & Philip Evans. When Max was found, he appeared to be six years old. Max and Isabel were briefly in an orphanage (we don't know how long) until they were adopted by the Evans. Max said he always knew he was different, and tried to hide it. But he didn't know he had powers, and instinctively healed an injured bird. His adoptive parents are very loving, supportive and understanding, and Max and his sister have a happy home. The Evans hope to help them overcome the trauma of their childhood and become happy adults. But Max took time to get comfortable with his new family, lying in bed at night crying and wanting to go home even though he didn't know where that was. We don't exactly know what happened to Max after he was adopted, but when he is eight, he and Isabel are enrolled in public school with Liz Parker. (perhaps they were home schooled or perhaps they were in a different elementary school) Max fell in love with Liz the first moment he saw her when he stepped off the school bus. It is never mentioned, but generally assumed that Max went through the rest of elementary and Jr. High with Liz, but they never really knew each other that well. He has been secretive since childhood, desperate to keep his alien side hidden. He only opens up to Isabel and Michael, and as far as we know, has no other friends. Max is the natural leader of the group, known for being intelligent, cautious and level-headed, but he is also deeply romantic. He is not prone to acting on impulse, which makes his instant decision to heal Liz even more telling of how much he cares for her. Max's use of his powers seems to be natural and instinctive and he has control over them. Besides the power to heal, he later discovers that he possess the ability to create a shield that is capable of stopping bullets.

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