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West Roswell High School Students & Employees

Mr. Bodish
Employment – West Roswell High School
Michael's history teacher in 'Summer of '47', who assigns him to interview Hal Carver.
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - So47

Mr. Cowan
Employment - teaches Art at West Roswell High School
He is Michael’s art teacher in the episode ‘Missing’
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - MIS

Vicki Delaney
She is the girl Kyle takes to the rave at the Old Soap Factory in the episode ‘Heat Wave’
Romantic Relationships - Kyle Valenti
First kiss - first seen kiss, in a pickup truck bed outside the rave at the Old Soap Factory (HW)
Education - West Roswell Highschool (HW)
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - HW

Paulie Del Bianco
Education – West Roswell High School
Extracurricular – West Roswell High School Sports Team (unknown)
A jock friend of Kyle’s. In the episode ‘Leaving Normal’ he and a group of friends beat up Max for hanging out with Liz. He is on some sports team, but it is unknown which one.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - LN

Known for – being good with computers
Education – West Roswell High School
The ‘computer nerd’ guy that Maria goes to in the episode ‘Baby It’s You’ to try and find out where Alex’s emails from ‘Sweden’ really came from.
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - BIY

Known for – being popular and shallow
Education – West Roswell High school
Relationship - went to the 2001 prom with Joey
She is one of Isabel's friends in the episode 'Leaving Normal', along with Vanessa. Isabel mentions she is a good dancer (SHP)
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - LN
Mentioned in SHP

Education – West Roswell High School
Student in the WRH library who is asks his friend Allie to the prom
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - HOM

Principal Gil Forester
Employment – Principal of West Roswell High School
In the episode ‘Sexual Healing’ he calls Diane Evans and Nancy Parker, to come into the school, when Max and Liz are caught making out in the Eraser room.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - SH

Education – West Roswell High School
Classes - 99-00
Geometry w/ Liz, Michael & Max
Responses to Topolsky's questions
Topolsky: Dream Job?
Genoveve: Brad Pitt's love slave
Topolsky: Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?
Genoveve: Cheese factory
Results of her computer profile
- writer
She is interviewed by Ms. Topolsky in Future Week in the episode 'Monsters.'
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - MA, M

Ms. Hardy
Employment – Teaches Biology at West Roswell High School
Romantic Relationships
- Mr. Krewlick
Appears in various episodes in season 1 as Max and Liz’s Biology & Chemistry teacher
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - P, M, HW

Heavy Metal Guy
Education – West Roswell High School
Responses to Topolsky's questions
Topolsky: Dream Job?
Heavy Metal Guy: lead guitar in Metallica
Topolsky: Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?
Heavy Metal Guy: video store clerk, no cheese factory
Results of his computer profile
- video store clerk
He is interviewed by Ms. Topolsky in Future Week
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - M

Employment – Malee Thai Palace Delivery Driver
Education – West Roswell High School
In the episode ‘Cry Your Name’ he is the guy who delivers the Thai food to Alex. And then later in the episode, brings Alex’s credit card receipt with the binary code to Liz.
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - CYN

Coach Klay
Employment - A coach at West Roswell High School.
In the episode ‘Into the Woods’ Sheriff Valenti is planning on skipping the Father’s Camping trip, and asks Coach Clay to look after Kyle for the weekend.
In the Roswell soundtrack, it mentions that Coach Klay is the wrestling coach.
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - ITW

Mr. Krewlick
Employment – West Roswell High School
Romantic Relationships
– Ms. Hardy (HW)
He is a teacher at West Roswell High school, mentioned by Liz as dating another teacher, Ms. Hardy.
Appears in episodes - none
Season 1 - HW

Mr Lafeber
Employment – West Roswell High School History teacher
Mr Lafeber is Max's History teacher in the epi 'Ask Not', that teaches him about JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - AN

Education - West Roswell High School
Alex talks to him about joining his band, but says he is tone deaf so Alex sugggests he could play the drums.
Appears in episodes - BB

Known for – being a pig
Education – West Roswell High School
Malamoot is a friend of Kyle’s, in the episode ‘Heart of Mine’. He asks Kyle when he is going to sleep with Tess.
Later in the episode, he asks Kyle to ‘lend’ Tess with him for couple of hours.
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - HOM

Education - West Roswell High School
This is the guy who ogles Maria in the hall when she is wearing the Aqua-bra
Appears in episodes - none
Season 1 - ITW

Employment - Secretary in the office at West Roswell High School
The woman who works in the office at West Roswell High school. Isabel talked to her, posing as a member of the Sunshine Committee when she was trying to get Tess' records.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - 4S

Karl Seligman
Employment – teaches physics/science at West Roswell High School
He is in several episodes in season 1 as a physics/science teacher for Max, Lix, Alex, Maria, & Tess.
He is the person who tells Liz the name of the Whirlwind galaxy. Liz sees the galaxy in a flash when kissing Max, and then on a poster in Seligman’s classroom.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - SH, TL&V
Season 1 - MTD, BIY

Steve Summers
Employment – Teaches History at West Roswell High School
In the episode ‘285 South’ Mr. Summers is the teacher who pairs up the students for the biography assignment.
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - 285S

Known for – being popular and shallow
Education – West Roswell High school
She is one of Isabel's friends in the episode 'Leaving Normal', along with Elana
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - LN

Senora Villa
Employment – West Roswell High school
Teacher - Spanish
Michael and Kyle's spanish teacher. She was also a chaperone at the 2001 prom according to Maria (SHP)
Appears in episodes -
Season 2 - VLV

T. Watkins
Liz and Maria's gym teacher in the episode 'Sexual Healing.'
Appears in episodes -
Season 1 - SH

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